Installing a flat roof is on average cheaper and simpler, because it is not necessary to install a wooden structure - all layers are installed on a reinforced concrete cover.

Prilydomos dangos montavimo instrukcija

If you are looking for a reliable, long-lasting and aesthetically appealing roof covering, choose an attached roof covering. It is characterized by a low price, easy installation and high quality, which has its own obvious advantages. One of the most common principles of application of bituminous coating is various commercial buildings, variants with a low-sloping roof and apartment buildings. In fact, it can be said that this type of coating can be adapted to very different home options.

Using the latest materials and technologies, we guarantee fast and high quality work. Modern roofing materials retain their properties and elasticity at various temperatures and last up to 30 years.

We perform all work carefully, thoughtfully and according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Flachdacheindeckung in Litauen und Europa

A flat roof is a long-term solution

Roofs are installed in such a way that the inside of the building and the roof structures under the waterproofing layers are protected from the external effects of rain and snow.

Prilydomos dangos montavimas – greitas ir ilgalaikis procesas. Priklausomai nuo medžiagos stogo garantinis laikas – 30 metų, o laikui atėjus keisti stogą galima tiesiog neardyti senojo stogo, o tiesiog prikliuoti naujų sluoksnių, kad užsandarinti senosios medžiagos tarpus.

Advantages of bituminous roofing

Bituminous roofing is light and can be laid on any roof. This coating is durable, so it can last for a relatively long time. The roll bituminous roof covering has excellent waterproofing properties, so it retains moisture very effectively.

Bituminous roofing and its installation is one of the cheapest roofing options on the market. True, in order to find a long-lasting option, it will be necessary to consult with experts to buy the best solution.

Saugumas ir ekologiškumas. Pasirenkant šią stogo dangą, galite būti tikri, kad ji nekenkia žmogui ir aplinkai.

Flat roof covering in Lithuania and Europe

It is important to know for those who want bituminous roofing

Bituminous roofing has many advantages, but it is necessary to know various operational nuances. Roof maintenance is necessary from time to time. However, the added bituminous roof covering will last a long time and protect the interior of the building from rain, hail and winds. Therefore, anyone looking for an inexpensive, technically advanced and long-lasting solution should be interested in bituminous roll roofing.

Glue-on roof coverings contain a sufficient layer of bituminous mass, which after heating with a gas burner or other flame source, the coverings are glued to the prepared base, without using additional adhesives. According to the composition of the coating mass, roof coverings are divided into oxidized bitumen roof coverings, hereinafter referred to as bituminous and modified polymer materials - bitumen.

According to the protection of the upper surface, the coatings are divided into suitable for use as lower waterproofing layers or upper protective layers of the roof covering, without installing additional protection against atmospheric effects. One of the biggest advantages of a fused roof covering is its durability. The bituminous coating reflects heat (protects the roof from overheating), is resistant to cold and has high fireproof properties.

svarbūs etapai prilydomos
dangos stogo montavime

prilydomo stogo Pagrindo pasiruošimas

1. Pagrindo pasiruošimas

Būtina tinkamai įvertinti esamos konstrukcijos būklę. Pagrindo paruošimas prasideda nuo pašalinamo visų nešvarumų, senos dangos likučių ir kitų nereikalingų objektų, kurie gali trukdyti naujai dangai klotis tolygiai. Atlikus valymo darbus, svarbu atlikti lyginimą ir defektų taisymą – užpildant įdubas, išlyginant nelygumus, taisant įtrūkimus ir kitas defektines vietas, kad būtų užtikrintas vientisas ir lygus pagrindas. Svarbu parinkti tinkamo storio ir tankumo apšildymo dangą, kad pasiektumėte atitinkamą apšildymo kategoriją. 

2. Hidroizoliacinės dangos įrengimas

Garo izoliacijos sluoksnio įrengimas – būtina, kad išvengti kondensacijos po hidroizoliacine danga. Sekantis etapas hidroizoliacinės medžiagos klojimas – pasirenkama atitinkama hidroizoliacinė medžiaga (pvz., bituminės ritininės dangos, EPDM gumos membrana arba skysta hidroizoliacija) ir ji išklojama ant stogo pagrindo. Medžiaga gali būti klijuojama, suvirinama arba laikoma savo svoriu, priklausomai nuo tipo. Toliau sujungimų ir sandūrų apdorojimas užtikrinnt, kad visos jungtys ir sandūros būtų sandariai uždarytos, kad išvengti vandens prasiskverbimo.

Hidroizoliacinės dangos įrengimas

3. Apdailos ir apsaugos sluoksnių įrengimas

Apsauginio sluoksnio dėjimas gali būti skėstinės dangos, pvz., žvyro ar smėlio, kurie apsaugo hidroizoliacinę dangą nuo mechaninių pažeidimų ir UV spindulių.

Techninės įrangos montavimas – ant stogo paviršiaus sumontuojamos techninės įrangos detalės, pavyzdžiui, ventiliacijos angos, antenų tvirtinimai.

Perimetro ir ištraukų apdaila – stogo perimetras ir įvairios ištraukos (pvz., dūmtraukiai, ventiliacijos vamzdynai) apdorojami taip, kad būtų užtikrintas visiškas sandarumas ir estetinis vaizdas.

Flat roof covering in Lithuania and Europe

Bituminous roofs are recommended for A++ class houses

In order to meet the EU requirements, Lithuania stipulated that the energy class of the houses built in 2021 would be no lower than A++. There are many ways to achieve the A++ category, and fused bitumen roofs are one of them. Compared to others, bituminous roofs have the highest thermal resistance and ensure the energy efficiency of the building.

For those seeking smooth work and quick results, we recommend cooperation with the Esstogai company. Only specialists with many years of work experience, who have assessed the technical parameters of the building and the expectations of a specific family, will offer the best solution for roofing. By cooperating with a team of qualified workers, you can be absolutely sure that the roofing work will be done quickly and with quality, and you will be able to enjoy a cozy and reliable home.

Interested in the price of your roof?

Flat roof price

Each case is calculated individually. The price range is extremely wide, because primarily the price depends on the roof area, pricing applied by suppliers, roof layout and other aspects.

The prices of material suppliers are increasing gradually. You will find out the exact and final price offer for a flat roof only if you have specifically indicated the layout, location and desired materials of your house, apartment building, industrial facility. 

We often offer materials from other manufacturers that are not yet widely recognized in the market, but are counterfeits of good quality manufacturers. We work on small and large scale projects and can offer wholesale pricing on materials.

Properly qualified staff

Studies and training

Our business card is professional and high-quality performed work. Only qualified employees will be able to perform roof repair and renovation works - which will last for many years.

We dedicate time and effort to periodically provide training and professional development for all our employees.

Entrust your concerns to a qualified and professional team

UAB "Esstogai" will fulfill your wishes, offer the best construction solutions, order materials at a good price and carry out the roof assembly flawlessly.

By investing in your home, you will invest in your comfortable and high-quality environment and everyday life. We believe that construction work should not be a tedious, but an inspiring process.

Create ideas, and leave all the implementation and construction work to us.
