A flat roof is a long-term solution
Roofs are installed in such a way that the inside of the building and the roof structures under the waterproofing layers are protected from the external effects of rain and snow.
Flat roof construction is usually installed in industrial (production, storage), public purpose (offices, entertainment or sports complexes) or residential multi-apartment buildings. However, in recent years, this structural solution of roofs has become popular in the segment of individual residential houses as well.
The use of long-standing materials for the thermal insulation of roofs allows to ensure a comfortable and stable microclimate inside the building, protect the property from the danger of fire and rain, isolate noise and improve the acoustics of the premises.
Thermal insulation is characterized by longevity, as thermal insulation does not deteriorate over time, this has been confirmed by tests and experiments, even more than 20 years after the start of operation.
Roofs are installed in such a way that the inside of the building and the roof structures under the waterproofing layers are protected from the external effects of rain and snow.
Legislation provides requirements for roof construction - such as energy efficiency, fire resistance or sound insulation class, etc. must be decided in the project. When choosing building materials and products, consider their sustainability and durability.
Will it be heated, unheated, or high humidity environments? Knowing such information allows you to correctly choose solutions, suitable vapor insulation and installation technology.
The thickness of the insulation layer must always be selected taking into account the normative requirements for partitions according to the purpose of the building. Do not forget to assess whether the roof will be used or not, e.g. Are you planning to produce electricity from renewable sources on the roof or install a green roof, entertainment and recreation areas.
First, vapor insulation is installed, and thermal insulation is laid on top of it. It is most popular to use special cotton wool panels for pitched roofs, as they are non-flammable, resistant to temperature fluctuations, have stable dimensions, and are permeable to water vapor. After that, two or more layers of panels are placed. Roll-on adhesive coatings are glued directly onto these panels. In order to choose the right roof covering, you should consult info@esstogai.com
Laminated roofs with thermal insulation protect buildings from cold, heat, precipitation, pollutants, noise, UV rays, etc. impact. Between 10 and 25% of the heat energy escapes through the tiled roofs. In the case of poor roof insulation or poor protection against moisture and pollutants, roofs can get cold and heat losses in buildings can increase. Relative air humidity of ≥ 80% can occur in the premises and microorganisms - micromycetes - can start to breed on the ceiling and near it; an unsanitary environment can be created in the premises and the structures below and their decoration may begin to fail.
Heat insulation of the roof - the thermal insulation layer can be made in one or several layers. When thermal insulation is done in several layers, i.e. i.e., the lower and upper layers, their seams must not overlap. The distance between the seams must be ≥ 200 mm. "Cross" joining of layers is not allowed. Polystyrene foam panels must be tightly connected to the base. Gaps must be sealed.
The roof warming system is fixed to the base mechanically with studs or glued. If the roof waterproofing coatings are covered with a layer of ballast gravel or soil, the roof insulation system is not attached to the base. Fastening studs must be corrosion resistant.
If it is not possible to fix the roof warming system to the base mechanically, it must be glued with special glue. However, in the corners and edges of the roof (or when working in low temperature conditions), it is necessary to additionally fasten it with studs. Before gluing the polystyrene foam of the roof warming system to the base, its surface is primed. Polystyrene foam is glued to the base in a linear way.
When it is necessary to additionally insulate the roof of an operational building, it is necessary to carry out a detailed inspection of its condition. If the waterproofing roof covering of the building in operation is damaged, damp or contaminated, if the roof thermal insulation is damaged, the sound insulation layer is damaged, the damaged areas must be repaired, cleaned, dried and only after that the roof should be additionally insulated and a new waterproofing covering should be applied.
Designers and builders may wonder why flat roofs are usually insulated with stone wool?
The answer is very simple - due to the good thermal properties and fire resistance of this material, because the roof is a special structure in the building, on which people's lives depend in the event of a fire.
The flammability class of stone wool products A1 means that the material is non-flammable, i.e. does not ignite or sustain combustion. In some Western European countries, when insulating facades with polystyrene foam, it is recommended to insulate the edges of window openings with rock wool - so that in the event of a fire, the fire does not immediately spread inside.
In Lithuania, it is still a novelty to use stone wool slabs with grooves for pitched roofs. Stone wool slab with grooves is intended for rooms with increased humidity and roofs to be renewed. Here, the lower roof plate already has grooves cut during production, through which water vapor moves. A channel is cut out in the highest places of the roof to collect them. The roof is ventilated on the following principle: wind pressure and pulsations force excess moisture to move up through the grooves between the roof eaves and the ridge. After reaching the ridge, this moisture enters the field through the fan deflectors.
In addition to this important property for roofs, stone wool products have low thermal conductivity coefficients, are good sound insulators, and remain stable in size throughout the entire period of operation. Considering that the roof heats up to 80-90 degrees in summer, this is an important indicator. It is a timeless material, but the durability of the products depends a lot on the reliability of the manufacturer, innovative production solutions.
Each case is calculated individually. The price range is extremely wide, because primarily the price depends on the roof area, pricing applied by suppliers, roof layout and other aspects.
UAB "Esstogai" will fulfill your wishes, offer the best construction solutions, order materials at a good price and carry out the roof assembly flawlessly.
By investing in your home, you will invest in your comfortable and high-quality environment and everyday life. We believe that construction work should not be a tedious, but an inspiring process.
Create ideas, and leave all the implementation and construction work to us.